Carolina Giacomin's profile

Infopoetry "A" Filter | Algorithmic You

"A" Filter | Algorithmic You
This project aims to reflect about our personal data and how it shapes our daily lives.

In the poster, 256 artists starting with the letter ”A” are listed. They represent the results that Spotify does not suggest to me when I look for something in the search bar, in this case, when I type the letter ”A”. These are written in red. Then, in light blue, there are the 7 artists Spotify suggested me when typing ”A”, which you can only see by using the lens.

Spotify's algorithm focus on personalising my experience, which can lead to the reinforcement of my existing preferences. The negative side of this is that it limits my exposure to diverse music, potentially resulting in "filter bubbles" where I am only exposed to content that aligns with my existing tastes. This phenomenon may mirror the way algorithms in social media platforms can create echo chambers, where people are primarily exposed to viewpoints they already agree with. In Spotify case, it gives me results that already fit my personal taste, from artists, albums and genres I have already affinity with.

My design wants to communicate exactly how i feel when i see Spotify suggestions. It feels like I am seeing filtered results even though i didn’t opt for it. It is like a lens that prevents me from seeing everything, instead it redirects me to what I already know, so there's less room for accidental or spontaneous exploration. 
Infopoetry "A" Filter | Algorithmic You


Infopoetry "A" Filter | Algorithmic You
